Baltimore Gas & Electric
Retirees’ Association (BGERA)

 Entry to this website is restricted to "paid" members of the Baltimore Gas & Electric Retirees' Association. If you are not a paid member and wish to get in touch with us, use the CONTACT US link in the top right corner of this page.

If you are a "paid" member and wish to enter, please log-in using the input boxes below.

******  When entering your Employee Number use 5 digits ONLY ( no letters). *******

Notices and Cancellations




>>>  In order to get into the website, you need your 5 digit employee number and your password, if you are currently an Active (dues paid) member. <<<<



Please click on the link below and read the newsletter.  If you are not a BGERA active member , you can apply for membership using the membership application.



 Click here for the December 2023 Newsletter and membership application

 Jan 11 2024